Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year in the Land of the Morning Calm

The Psalmist declares in Psalm 90:4-6, "For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night.  You carry them away like a flood; they are like a sleep.  In the morning they are like grass which grows up: in the morning it flourishes and grows up; in the evening it is cut down and withers."

As we all look forward to what the New Year presents, I am reminded of the Psalmists declaration concerning the frailty of our existence.  Each new year presents us with opportunities for growth, as well as a chance to begin again.  I eagerly await what the Lord has prepared for you and me as we tread on new ground, and as He leads us to uncharted territories.

2013 led me away from my home in East TX to a distant land a world away.  Here I have been exposed to a mixture of an ancient and contemporary cultures in a land that many of my Senior Adults saw in their youth during the Korean War.  It has been said that after the cessation of the hostilities of the Korean War, that you could not find 3 bricks stacked on top of each other in this land.  I wish that they could see Korea today.  It is a land filled with opportunity, that stands at the cutting edge of technology and innovation.  It is one of the most prosperous nations, as well as one of the leading economies in the world.

Yet with all these new found discoveries, my heart still remains in East Texas with a brilliant, blue-eyed woman who I love with all my heart, and our 4 exceptional children.  I miss spending time with my family in/around the Baton Rouge area.  I miss friends from my church at New Hebron Baptist Church, as well as back home in/around Baton Rouge.  I have missed birthdays and other times of celebration, but I thank God for His strength and sufficiency through it all.

I am blessed to be loved by so many.  I truly do not deserve the expressions of appreciation and encouragement that have been expressed to me, but I cherish every card, e-mail, text, FB post, and phone call that further affirms the calling of God on my life.  I could have never imagined God opening the door for me to serve in this distant land.  I am blessed beyond measure to serve at Special Operations Command Korea.  In this Joint Command environment I have the distinct privilege to serve with some of the best men/women in the military and DOD.  They are truly an instrument that the Lord is using to further shape me into a vessel of honor for Him.  I have been blessed to touch many lives with the life-changing power of the Gospel here in Korea.

In the last few months 3 specific ministries blessed me with their cooperation in support of 3 orphanages here in Korea.  The people of New Hebron Baptist Church, Greenwell Springs Baptist Church Early Learning Center, and Sandy Creek Baptist Church provided embroidered blankets, sock hats, winter coats, and gloves for these orphaned children.  I have attached a few photos of us presenting the items to the orphanages.  They do not allow pictures of the children, but we are joined in the photos with some of the Mothers who oversee the orphanages.

I have also posted some photos of me & Finn (my adopted dog) and our Charlie Brown Christmas tree with one Elysian Fields High School ornament hanging on it that was generously provided by some great friends back in EF at NHBC.

I guess that's all for now, but I pray that you will live each moment of the next year as if it were your last.  Sow mercy, grace, forgiveness, encouragement, hope, and love into the lives of those within the sphere of your influence.  Never forget that the Lord has a plan to use the immeasurable potential He has placed inside of you to advance His Kingdom and glorify His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.

A Fellow Pilgrim,

Joe Sherwin

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Entirely Inadequate

It's been a little while since my last blog, and I apologize for that.  Let me begin by sharing how humbled I am by those who continue to send me cards, e-mails & texts of encouragement, and mention my name in prayer.  I will never be able to tell you how touched I am.  Just today I had 2 cards in the mail from 2 of my church members at NHBC.  I dare not try and mention everyone by name who has blessed in such ways, but just know that I am indeed humbled by your efforts.

In a few weeks it will be Thanksgiving, and one of the projects that I have been working on is providing winter items, such as blankets and jackets, for orphans at an orphanage that we support.  I mentioned this project in a blog some time back and I was blessed as I was contacted by 3 ministries that wanted to volunteer their efforts to supply these needs.  I have received jackets and other winter items from Sandy Creek Baptist Church and Greenwell Springs Baptist Church Early Learning Center. I want to thank BJ Baxley and Jancie Corie, as well as all those who worked with them for their gifts and support.  I will post pictures of the kids with their coats and other winter items once we present them to the orphans.

My home church, New Hebron Baptist Church, generously offered to provide blankets and other winter items for the orphans.  They made "fleece-tie" blankets, and then Ginger Calhoun personalized each blanket by embroidering each child's name on their own personal blanket.  I would like to thank Ginger Calhoun and the entire NHBC family for their generosity.  I look forward to sharing your gifts and sending you the pictures.

I received a great surprise from Ginger's mom, Mrs. Nell Calhoun.  She and her ladies made crochet sock hats for all the kids.

I am most grateful to SCBC, GSBC, and NHBC for your prayers, encouragement, and generosity.  I will never be able to repay your generosity, but I also know that it was never about me - it was always about the Kingdom of God and for His glory!

Serving as a Chaplain of the Gospel Service is an unique experience.  I have been blessed to see many decisions made on a regular basis.  This past Sunday I was blessed to baptize 3 Soldiers who embraced Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  Please pray that God will continue to move through the Holy Spirit to draw people unto Jesus!

The most recent highlight of my ministry here was the opportunity to lay hands and pray over my boss, a Brigadier General (BG).  He is a godly Christian man who not only shepherds our Command in a manner that honors the Lord through his integrity and character, but also leads His family as the priest of his home.  I am blessed to serve as his chaplain.  I have learned a lot from him.  I have been told by many that this opportunity to serve as a Command Chaplain on a BG's staff is an opportunity that no other Captain in the Army could imagine...though that might be somewhat true, to me the greater privilege is to serve under such godly leadership and have the opportunity to pray over & for him.  My CG (Commanding General) told me how touched he was that I prayed over him.  As I told him, I am his Chaplain and we all stand in need of prayer - he more so than anyone in our Command due to his position.  This experience touched me deeply - more than I can convey in words.

I honestly must say I feel completely inadequate for the calling that God has placed on my life to serve both as a Pastor and a Chaplain.  Through these ministries I have had the opportunity to both leave an imprint on the lives of those around me and also be imprinted by them.  So many people have been instrumental in advancing the ministry God has called me to and in doing so they have advanced the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  One of my Soldiers asked me recently why did I choose the Army as a Chaplain - to me it's simple.  The Army affords me the unique opportunity to be embedded with my Soldiers - we chew the same dirt, walk the same roads, live in the same tents, eat the same MRE's - we basically do life together.  And although they do come to my office regularly, they do not have to wait to see me, b/c I am always wherever they are.  The ministry of presence is of the greatest importance as a Chaplain.  I thank God daily for the calling of the ministry.

Family and friends, I anxiously await the opportunity to see each of you again.  Please feel free to e-mail or FB me (srevjds@gmail.com) anytime & as often as you like.

A Fellow Pilgrim,


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Running the Race

Where to begin with this post...hmm?  Well this ministry continues to move at a rapid pace.  I am reminded of Hebrews 12:1-2 that declares, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

As far as my specific responsibilities at SOCKOR, I am learning a great amount about being a more effective staff officer.  As a reservist who normally drills once per month and has annual training once per year, we spend more time on religious support than being a staff officer due to the time constraints.  Here as the Command Chaplain, a role I was not expecting, I spend 60% of my time working on staff officer items and the remainder on religious support. That is not to stay that being a good staff officer is not religious in nature - it is, but it is much more administrative in nature.  I feel that being thrust into this role is challenging me to grow and mature in my role as a Chaplain.  Additionally I believe the skills I am learning here are making me a more effective pastor.

On the religious support side, I have just been asked by our Garrison Chaplain to pastor at the Gospel Service.  This is unique and exciting role for me that continues to challenge me as a chaplain and pastor.  Traditionally, I fall into a more contemporary worship or a blended setting.  The Gospel service is an exciting worship service filled with swaying Gospel choirs, strong worship through music, congregations dressed to the 9's, and ushers with white gloves.  One of the things that I love about this service is that the congregation preaches back at you.  To say that they are expressive would be an understatement.  I was wore slap out the last time I preached in this service.  They preached me to death (in a good way).  Please pray for me as I have the honor and privilege to serve as a pastor to such a great congregation.  Pray that I may maintain a humble and teachable spirit.  Pray that I will be a pliable tool in the hands of my Savior as He seeks to move in and through me to accomplish His perfect will in this congregations life.

As the first Command Chaplain at SOCKOR, I have a massive task in front on me to create a Religious Support Plan were there was none existing.  Previously, they received Chaplain support from 8th AR Chaplains, but none that were specifically tasked to be there Chaplain.  I am working with our Command leadership and our Command JAG to vet all our Religious Support Plan.  God is using me to provide a great amount of counseling.  Please pray that I rely on the Lord for wisdom and possess a discerning spirit in all these areas of ministry.

Yesterday was my wife's birthday.  I wish I could have been in the states to celebrate with her, but I was able to visit with her via Facetime and phone.  She was truly blessed to have our kids and the Roots (Matt, Kristen, and the gang) there to celebrate with her.  I am grateful for the great support that has been show to my wife and family in my absence.

On a lighter note, I adopted a 2 y/o Shihtzu, who I named Huck Finn (I call him Finn).  He is a great companion that makes coming home a little more enjoyable.  It is nice not to come home to an empty house.  Although I would rather have my family with me, Finn will have to do for right now.

I plan on coming home in DEC.  I have to go to the Joint Special Operations University for a class, and then from there I will take leave for a week and spend it at home with my wife and kids.  I am so looking forward to that opportunity.

Please continue to pray for our church at NHBC.  Since I left we lost a special Senior Adult couple who went to be with Jesus w/in days of each other; we have had several medical issues; some facing challenges relating to cancer, etc...  Yet, even in light of all of this the Lord has shown Himself mighty and strong in the lives of the believers gathered there.  I am very grateful to our staff - Brock, Christine, Duffey, Vida, and Kara.  Additionally I am most grateful to Ronnie Whitten who is once again blessing the church with his pastoral gifts as he leads the SUN PM services.  Please pray for the NHBC staff as they advance the Kingdom of God there in Elysian Fields.

I was excited to hear that our Jackets won their 3rd straight football game.  Way to keep fighting through growing pains and adversity.

I have enjoyed hearing how each of my kids is doing great in their respective areas.  Court is doing a wonderful job living on her own and maintaining a challenging collegiate schedule.  She is truly a special young woman.  Jonah is having a great year at school.  Every time I talk to him he expresses his excitement at what he is learning.  Abby has been on the move - quite literally.  She has been to Orlando and Los Angeles singing and acting.  Great experiences.  She has been having a great time playing volleyball on the 7th grade B team.  Lil' E never stops - school is going well for him, and he is in the throws of Stingers Football.  Apparently he was laying the wood this past Saturday as he told me how many guys he laid out and the one he knocked the helmet off of.  I am a rich man - God has blessed me with a great family.

I would be remiss if I didn't brag on my wife, Karlyn.  She is managing our family on her own - strength beyond words.  She is in her 2nd semester in Nursing school and is working hard to achieve her goals.  I am so proud of her.  I definitely out punted my coverage when I married her.

Lastly, I ask that you continue to pray for me and my family.  We covet your prayers and are thankful for your support.  Please do not hesitate to e-mail me at srevjds@gmail.com.  I may also be reached via snail mail at:

CH(CPT) Joe Sherwin
PSC 303, Box 97
APO, AP 96204

If mailing, please address exactly as written above.  Please remember it may take weeks to arrive here from the states.  You may want to place a tracker on any packages sent, because it is not uncommon for items to be lost between the APO in San Francisco and Yongsan Army Garrison.

A Fellow Pilgrim,


Sunday, September 22, 2013

They Call Me Mister Tibbs

In 1970, Sidney Poitier starred in the movie, "They Call Me Mister Tibbs."  That title/line is one of the most famous and remembered lines of Poitier as he played a San Francisco policeman.   I was reminded of that line over the past week or so, b/c of the many names/ways I have been introduced or called by those in our command.  Treum eun Joe Ip Nida (sp)...which means my name is Joe, as I was told by a Korean family.  It's quite funny the names the Chaplain is called - there are the traditional ones: chaplain, chappy, chaps, or padre.  Although I was blessed by one Navy Officer in our command who introduced me as "Battle Chaps."  That one was new for me.  I rather like it.  We talk a lot about battle buddies in the military - those people who are quasi "Accountability Partners" for us.  I hope that I can live up to the title "Battle Chaps", one who is dependable and trustworthy.  Another Air Force Officer who is about to PCS in October calls me the "Rappin' Chaplain."  I like that too.

There have been many things happening since I last wrote.  I had the opportunity to spend the day with a Korean family, whom I had never met before.  Mr. Jae Seoung, his wife, Na Woon, and their 2 kids, Minji & Minsu blessed me by allowing me to spend 8 hours one Saturday with them as part of the Korean Home Visitation Program.  We ate a ton of traditional Korean food, which I loved.  We toured 2 Korean Imperial Palaces.  Additionally, I was able to see how they lived, ask questions about their culture, and work on my very limited Korean language skills.  They are truly a wonderful, young Korean family that I hope to spend some more time getting to know.

This morning I had my first opportunity to preach at the South Post Chapel in the 1100 service.  This is a blended Protestant service that lends itself to a somewhat high church feel.  I'm not sure they were ready for this South Louisiana via East Texas fiery Baptist preacher, but they got both barrels this morning.  I was blessed to be able to share the inerrant, infallible Word of God with them.  I had many after the service tell me that they were glad to have a traditional Baptist preacher bring the Word this morning - I assume that meant the change of pace was good.  Better than anything else though, I believe the Lord moved to touch hearts this morning.  I'm just glad I was able to be a part of His larger work of grace.  This upcoming Sunday I have been invited to preach at the Gospel service.  This is a traditional Southern Gospel type service, complete with strong (long) preaching, a Gospel choir (that sways as they sing), and ushers dressed to the nines with white gloves on.  I really am looking forward to that service.  As always I count it a privilege to share the Word of life whenever and wherever I am asked to share.

I continue to be grateful for the prayerful support and encouragement I receive from you.  People have asked what they can send.  Let me begin and say that if you send something in a box, please ensure the box has either no product markings on it or they are blacked out, so as to not delay shipment or have it returned.  Second, this past week I went as we delivered food baskets to a Catholic Korean orphanage. There are approximately 20 children ranging in age from grade school to high school living there.  It would be a great blessing to provide them some throw blankets for Christmas with their names on them.  I will gather the names and provide them via my next blog for those interested.  I was thinking those fleece tie blankets would be an excellent treat.  If interested, please e-mail me at srevjds@gmail.com.

I finally received my permanent orders this week, which means I can now go to housing & work on getting my villa.  I have begun to acquire household goods that I will need to set up house...dishes, silverware, etc...  I anxiously await the opportunity to move out of the Dragon Hill Lodge and into my permanent home for the next year.  Still have to decide whether to buy an old junker (cheap car).  My mountain bike is being shipped over, but during the monsoon and winter season it may not be the most practical form of transportation.  Additionally, not very efficient for grocery shopping or late night calls to the Base Hospital.  Pray that God would grant me wisdom in these areas.

As always, please continue to pray for my family, my church (New Hebron), and myself.  Love & miss y'all! (I have included 2 pictures of the Korean family I spent the day with)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Limited or Limitless???

It's been a good week here in the ROK (Republic of Korea).  I am getting more acclimated to the ministry the Lord has called me to here at Yongsan.  I finally got my office Friday and starting tomorrow I will begin making it look more like my home.  I don't have computer access yet, but it is in the works.  I am still living in the Dragon Hill Lodge (DHL) awaiting my 365 days order which should come out hopefully this week (I am currently on a 43 day TDY order through the end of the fiscal year (2013)).  Once that order is issued I can begin moving into my own apartment.

You know its funny, you travel 1/2 way around the world to meet someone who has family in Hughes Springs, TX and graduated from ULM.  She & her husband, Eugene, are new to this command also.  Eugene is an awesome Marine officer.  They are committed Christians who love Awana and are very involved in ministry at the South Post Chapel where I have been attending.  I really enjoyed visiting with about some of the areas we have in common.

This week the Lord spoke to me in a moment of personal struggle (i.e., missing my family), and this is the question that He posed:  limited or limitless?  It's very convenient to speak of our faith in a very passive manner, but it was never intended to be such.  As Christians our faith is to be an active, living, breathing part of our Christian life.  I am thankful that the Lord is gentle and firm to remind me of the truth of His Word and His promises.  My God is not limited by my fear or frustrations, struggles or setbacks, trials or tribulations...  I am here to testify that my God is limitless!

I have always loved Ephesians 3:20 that states, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us..." That's my God!  And that power comes from the Holy Spirit who lives inside of me as a Christian.  Tonight as I write this I am assured of the unlimited, unmatched power of my God to accomplish His purpose and His will for my life and yours.  So friends, as you face those times of fears and uncertainty, know that the Lord Himself has an unlimited ability and power to see you through whatever it is you are facing.

Chapel services today were awesome.  It is so awesome to witness the all amazing colors from the palette that the Lord paints with among His creation.  Truly a canvas of great beauty and majesty as I looked out upon the congregation.  Please pray for me, b/c I will be preaching to this service at the South Post Chapel on 9/22.  Additionally I have been asked to consider taking over the Gospel service on a regular basis.  I covet your prayers in these areas.

For those who were wanting my USPS mail address, please find it below:

CH (CPT) Joe Sherwin
PSC 303 Box 97
APO, AP 96204

You must address any USPS mail to me in that exact fashion.  I do not know how long it will take for it to get to me, but I appreciate your letters, messages, and e-mails of encouragement.  I have also enclosed a picture of the DHL where I am living temporarily.

I miss you all and love you.  I ask that you continue to pray for our military.  I am blessed with a wonderful wife and kids - I love and miss them more than words!

A Fellow Pilgrim,


Friday, August 30, 2013

A Little Reminder of Home

I just came in from the Seoul American High School Falcons Football Game.  They won their first game of the season 12-8.  Sitting there watching these young men slug it out on the field of battle, made me homesick for the Boys of Fall there in EF.  It's Friday morning in TX as I write this, and I know that tonight the EF Yellow Jackets will kick off their season.  They have been preparing hard for this night. I wish I could be there - especially for the Seniors who I love so much.  Boys, I want you to know that you have been prayed for from Korea and I know that you will do strong work as you wage war on the football field.

It's been a good week, filled with time in the field and in-processing details.  I am still living in the Dragon Hill Lodge, but I look forward to moving into my own condo.  That should happen in the next few weeks.  I look forward to a place with a stove/oven where I can cook things that don't have to be microwaved.

I have been blessed with opportunities to interject hope and life into some Soldiers lives already.  I love being able to serve on a Joint Command with Special Op's folks from each of the branches.  

As always I covet your prayers and thank you for your words of support and encouragement.  I'm not sure why people's postings are not showing up on my blog, but I have contacted Google about it.  Feel free to e-mail me at srevjds@gmail.com.  I love hearing from family and friends.

A Fellow Pilgrim,


Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Refreshing Look

This morning I had my 1st opportunity to attend worship here at Yongsan.  I was blessed to be able to attend the Contemporary Worship Service at the South Post Chapel called the "ROCK Service - Relying On Christ in Korea."  My heart was overwhelmed with the beauty of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic worship service that was centered on worshipping Jesus as Savior and Lord.  The Chaplain who led the service this morning was an Army Chaplain who was Korean.  He preached on Acts 4:1-10 about the beggar at the Beautiful Gate.  He accentuated a point that I have made many times - God meets us at the level of our expectancy.  Many times we complain and fuss about our situation, and we ask where is God in this or that.  My response is this - did you come with a sense of anticipation & expectation to see God move?  Do you still believe in a God who heals the sick, opens the eyes of the blind, walks on water, and raises the dead?  I SURE DO!!!  There is nothing in this life that our God is not able to give us victory over.

Also got to talk to my family via Skype for a few minutes.  I so enjoyed talking to all of them, along with a brief visit with the Roots.  Technology is such a great blessing in seasons such as these.

Well heading to the field for the next week.  I will write again when I return.

A Fellow Pilgrim,


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome to Korea

Jeremiah 18:4 declares, "And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make."

This verse has always spoken to me, because I am that marred piece of clay...the one who has tried to wrestle myself from the hands of my Maker, my Master.  I thank God daily that He is patient and longsuffering to extend His grace and mercy towards me by placing me back on His potter's wheel.  Though I am broken and cracked at times, my God works His hands over me to re-shape me, smoothing out my rough edges, and repairing my cracks.  Many times the Lord must look down from Heaven upon me & say there goes my lil' crackpot.  I thank the Lord that He has a sense of humor!

I have been in Korea going on a week, and everyday has been a group of new experiences.  My only wish is that my family could be here with me.  Seoul is a very technology driven, plugged in city with over 12 million residents.  The people are extremely friendly, but very driven.  The city has all the beauty of NY City, but with the charm & friendliness of a small town.  It is a great mixture of ancient and modern.

I will attempt to use this forum to share my experiences here as I serve as the Command Chaplain for a great group of Soldiers with SOCKOR (Special Operations Command Korea).  I covet your prayers for me, my family, and my church family @ New Hebron Baptist.  Please feel free to communicate with me via this medium, on Facebook, or at my e-mail: srevjds@gmail.com.  I will do my best to return all messages.  There will be times where I am out of pocket, but I will get back with you as best I can.

Beginning this SUN, I will be going into the field for exercises that will run 1 week, so I will be out of pocket during this time.

I miss and love my family!  I thank God for His strength and love!  Pro Deo Et Patria!

A Fellow Pilgrim,
